A fragrance that remains within your heart... Whenever we pass by each other, surely you realize it? My intention, (Feel me) Drawing you in (Please) Without any contact Softly, I place my true intentions within my reflection, I can feel, (Secret) A premonition (Veil) Softly wafting by On the flip-side of these pure emotions Lies an uncontrollable desire On a beautiful night where The moon shines down, I open my wings (Let me, un, deux, trois,) The top notes are (Impression) A pure-white dress (Wanna be Odette) I'm waiting just for that single person (Mystic Fragrance) Wearing a perfume called "love" (Mystic Fragrance) I dance, ballet-style If you want to wear it, that's what suits you, I want to, (Feel me) Stay like this, (Please) In my own style My form, within the mirror, surely, Reflects, (Your eyes) Within your eyes, (Only) Entirely Because I've had days where I've come to a stop, Unable to look up, I can decorate myself today And in the future, I'll be able to shine mroe As long as I firmly believe in tomorrow (Let me, un, deux, trois) The middle notes are (Personality) A colorful dress (Wanna be myself) I fall in love, and come to know the truth (Mystic Fragrance) Wearing a perfume called "love" (Mystic Fragrance) I dance, magnificently Soak through... Gently, softly, surely, into your memories, More, always... let it soak in Embrace this fragrance, that makes it feel like A second can become eternity (Let me un, deux, trois) The last notes are (Desire) A pitch-black dress (Wanna be Odile) I want to make that single person turn towards me (Mystic Fragrance) Once the fragrance has melted away, (Mystic Fragrance) I'll convey the truth (Mystic Fragrance) With just a petal of these unfading feelings (Mystic Fragrance) This fragrance will remain in your heart In your heart...